More Freedom. More Profit.


Your Guide to Achieving Effective Wholistic LeadershipWe help remarkable achievers flourish (while growing their wealth).

Let's Work Together

Entrepreneurs like us...Business Owners and Executives are often unsung helpers and heroes—battle-tested and service-oriented value-creators.I humbly count myself among this group as a Nurse for over twenty years and an entrpreneur for the last fifteen, sharing the drive, purpose, and, occasionally, success.My mission is clear: to guide proven leaders to achieve Remarkable Freedom through effective leadership, empowering them to continuously "level up" and achieve autonomy, mastery, and purpose.My career has been a non-linear journey marked by perpetual curiosity and applying the lessons I learn to serve others. It blends the art and science of people and processes, focusing on that unique intersection where value is created by helping.For two decades, I dedicated myself to serving, leading, and empowering diverse teams in healthcare at UCLA, UC Davis, Stanford, and rural areas in Maine and Idaho. Next, my wife and I built a portfolio of diverse businesses, which remains an ongoing, growing endeavor.Now, I help others achieve similar success, focusing on achieving your goals with the help of our proven model.Lifelong learning and curiosity-Observe, apply, share
-Peer groups
Has led me to-“People First” Systems
-Servant leadership
-Love and listening
And a 3-part system-Know thyself
-Empower others
-Live the life you have earned

Contact Us

We create unique value for you.Entrepreneurs often want to learn the specific skills to become masterful leaders and build robust companies, but our real purpose is to help you figure out who you are, what your deep-down dreams really are, and what fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs are getting in your way.Then, we work together to overcome those challenges and chart a path to help you live the life you want to live.Please contact us for further information and assistance.

Thank You

for the opportunity to serve you
and your team.

Remarkable Freedom

Even among the talented who choose a path of building, most take safe, incremental bets. Such pursuits not only fail to push the world forward, but pose a cost in opportunity. There are important challenges facing humanity that no one is working on, including critical, and even existential challenges. In other words, if you are an exceptionally capable person, failure to pursue a good quest is not neutral. It constitutes a loss for humanity.— Trae Stephens and Markie WagnerRemarkable Freedom empowers business leaders through integrated executive coaching and peer groups.Founded by Johannon Olson, we help entrepreneurs and executives harness their unique talents, master delegation, and achieve excellence.Services include peer group facilitation, integrated executive coaching, leadership development, workshops, and strategic consulting for business growth.Our clients consistently achieve significant milestones, based on our programs, in service of their goals.Focused on reducing costs and improving outcomes while growing revenue, Remarkable Freedom is transforming industries, one leader at a time. Perhaps we can help you?

Johannon Olson, RN, MBA, NEA-BC

Johannon Olson is a healthcare executive, successful entrepreneur, and innovator with over twenty years of experience transforming healthcare teams and organizations. He holds an MBA in Healthcare Management from the University of California, Davis.Johannon completed fellowships in Clinical Excellence Research at Stanford University and Wharton Graduate School. He is also an active fellow of the Institute of Coaching (IOC) at McLean Hospital, affiliated with Harvard Medical School.Dedicated to empowering proven value creators in healthcare and implementing innovative care models, Johannon leverages technology to reduce patient care costs and improve outcomes. His expertise includes servant leadership, cross-team collaboration, healthcare systems management, and business consulting.A Registered Nurse (RN), Certified Perioperative Nurse (CNOR), and Board Certified Nurse Executive Advanced (NEA-BC), Johannon has significantly contributed to operational excellence at institutions like Stanford Health Care, UCLA, and UC Davis Medical Systems.Johannon pursues Redemptive Quests: good, hard, risky work motivated by love. In that spirit, we’re thrilled to support our network of founders, funders, and innovators who continue to lean into that idea, living out redemptive entrepreneurship as a vibrant community.We’re always inspired by the opportunity to collaborate as we pursue this vision of a connected and restored world. Let's dream and build together!As a speaker, Johannon Olson offers a wealth of knowledge, practical insights, and inspirational stories from his extensive experience in healthcare management and leadership.Here are some of the teams where I've led, served, and contributed to improved outcomes:

A Vistage peer advisory group is made up of 12-16 other CEOs or local business owners. It’s like having a confidential, private advisory board to troubleshoot problems, vet ideas and identify blind spots. The local business leaders who make up the peer advisory group are always from non-competing industries and have no agenda but to help each other succeed.Interested in membership? Get In Touch.

From a Tiger 21 member:"Vistage taught me how to work ON my business, not IN my business. It did that so well, that I now have significant wealth.T21 teaches me how to make that wealth work for me so that I’m not dependent on the business that generated the surplus."

Interested in membership? Get In Touch.